Hello dears! what a beautiful spring day we are having! blue sky's, gentle breeze just glorious! my windows are open blowing in a fresh breeze, blowing away them winter cobwebs and boy they are a lot of them!
I hope were ever you are, you are having a good day! I have come across a gem of a podcast I thought I would share with you, I have her blog today via one of my knitting forums, if you would like to check her out pop over to
a play ful day and introduce yourselves, you wont regret it, she has a very calming voice and enjoyed listening to the first pod cast immensely while sipping my cup of tea in the sunshine this morning.
im still working on my saroyan scarf that can be found on rav
here its so nice to be working on something for me and not worrying about it getting finished and posted in time!
will have to be moving onto parents birthday presents soon, not quiet what Im making them yet so any ideas are much welcome
Im off now to enjoy this sunshine and hope you all have a great week
Tilly x