
Thursday, 24 February 2011


Been a bit underneth the weather this last week, but have a few things to show you :) the first is a hankie I have done for a friend it is the Pi and for a friend who is called Pi reptiles :) ignore the wobbles its super zoomed in !!

I have two more Fish hats to make just waiting for the wool to arrive I do love knitting the fish hats :)

Finally managing to knit something for myself to! it can be found on Rav  here im enjoying knitting this and its my "handbag" project :)

well not much to show today

Im off to get under the blanket and do some sewing, I hope you all have a great weekend :)

Saturday, 12 February 2011

 Me and R went for a wander around York today and what a day we picked! we had students making lots of noise on drums, collecting money for various charities  and all dressed up in various costumes

we ducked into our favourite book shop to get away from the noise for a little bit, and enjoyed browsing, and R was very happy to find a book he hasn't got what is a challenge as we have a collection of around 600 books on wildlife and natural world!

then on the way back to the car we came across
 this trooper been hard on them since the death star was scrapped ha ha

and keeping on the science fiction theme, we pass these on the way out of York and always forget to snap a pic! managed to get one on my phone this time!!

well I'm off to bed now as its been a very busy day

Thursday, 10 February 2011

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